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CBD Delta 8What is Delta 8?

What is Delta 8?

What is Delta 8?
Delta-8 THC (or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol) is a naturally occurring chemical compound called a cannabinoid that’s found in small traces in hemp and cannabis plants. Both Delta-8 and Delta-9 are forms of THC. But when people refer to THC, they usually mean the Delta-9 that’s found in high concentrations in marijuana. In fact, Delta-8 is often referred to as “marijuana-lite” or “diet weed”. Is Delta-8 Legal? Another reason for Delta-8’s growing popularity is that, unlike heavily regulated THC, Delta-8 is legal to use in most states. But Delta-8 sits in a legal gray area. The bill does not mention Delta-8 anywhere. Products labeled as Delta-8 may contain impurities, including high levels of THC. As a result, around a dozen states, including New York and Colorado, are beginning to restrict or ban the use of Delta-8.

Why Delta 8?

Why is there such a growing demand for Delta-8? For starters, its chemical structure is similar to that of its well-known cousin, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol , the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana. That’s what gets you “high”. Both Delta-8 and Delta-9 are forms of THC. But when people refer to THC, they usually mean the Delta-9 that’s found in high concentrations in marijuana. Both produce a euphoric, fuzzy feeling, but Delta-8 causes a milder high. In fact, Delta-8 is often referred to as “marijuana-lite” or “diet weed”. Other common THC side effects like paranoia, anxiety, and drowsiness are also less potent.

What Does Delta 8 Help with? 

There’s also a lack of research and evidence when it comes to Delta-8’s impact on your overall health. Many people have reported — mostly via social media posts — that they use Delta-8 along with their prescription medications to help with depression and substance use. Users say Delta-8 can also:

However, experts say these benefits are mostly word of mouth and there’s a lack of research on how it affects your health. Just because you can buy it off the shelves doesn’t mean it’s completely risk-free.


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